CS 405 Assignment 8

Customer Tracking - Due April 3

The purpose of this assignment is to give you practice with objects.

General Functionality

Normally, the user should enter a something in each box, and the thing entered in the third box labelled price should be a number. If the user enters invalid data in any box, they should get an error message.

For now, you simply want to track what the purchases are, and make sure you know which customer is associated with each purchase.

For each customer, you want to track the purchases associated with that customer. For example, if Han purchases a Hyperdrive Motivator, you will need to note that. In addition to tracking what the customer purchased, you will also need to track the total value of all purchases the customer made.

If there is more than one customer, purchases should be associated with the correct customer.

Program Design

Unlike other programs, there are restrictions on the design for this program. You must make a class to represent customers, a class to represent purchased items, as well as a third class which will have your display. The class associated with customers should have a string that represents the customer's name, and a List(of Item) where Item is the class that you made to represent items. The class associated with customers should also have a subroutine that accepts Item objects and adds the item object to the list of objects the customer has purchased. Both the Item and Customer classes should have a ToString function. The Item's ToString should return the item's name followed by a tab followed by the item's price. The Customer's ToString function should print the customer's name, followed by a tab, followed by the total value of items all items the customer has purchased. Each item the customer has purchased should appear on its own line, preceded by a tab. The Customer's ToString should call the item's ToString.


Submission Instructions

To submit this program, I would like all students to zip their project, and send it to me. I would like you to submit the entire project, which should be named Prog_8_lastname, where lastname is your last name. For me, this is Prog_8_Wilt. Students should email their completed projects to cs405@cs.unh.edu.

Late Policy

The assignment is due prior to midnight on the listed due date. For this assignment, that means you must turn in your solution before to April 4.

Unlike other classes you may have taken in the past, no late work is allowed for this class. This is worth repeating, because it is extremely important: no late work is allowed for this class. We will move quickly, and I do not want students straggling behind trying to catch up on work from previous weeks, which is what generally happens when late work is accepted.